
Distiguished paper award at ICoRD ’21

Jan 7-10 was the International Conference on Research into Design, ICoRD ’21 hosted by IDC School of Design Jan 7-10 2021, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai, India. In the closing the paper “The influence of industry 4.0 on product design and development: Conceptual foundations and literature review” by Sravan Tatipala, Johan Wall, Christian Johansson Askling and Tobias Larsson was...

ReGlove slutar topp 20 i James Dyson Award och vinner Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronans Jubileumsstipendium

ReGlove-projektet var under lång tid med i tävlingen James Dyson Award 2020 med sin lösning som att återtillverka engångsplasthandskar från förbrukade handskar. När året nu närmar sig sitt slut kan vi sammanfatta att projektet slutade i topp-20 i konkurrens med mer än 1800 bidrag världen över, det enda svenska laget som nådde den sista omgången av tävlingen. Studenterna vann också...

Towards Improving Process Control in Sheet Metal Forming: A Hybrid Data- and Model-Based Approach

Abstract Ability to predict and control involved parameters and hence the outcome of sheet metal forming processes demand holistic knowledge of the product/-process parameter influences and their contribution in shaping the output product quality. Recent improvements in the ability to harvest inline production data and the capability to understand complex process behaviour through computer simulations opens up the possibility for...

Sustainable and affordable products and services: A frugal innovation approach

A seminar and workshop for companies, NGOs and public organisations in Sweden. Frugal innovations aim at doing more and better with less. It can be a low-tech clay fridge or a high-tech portable ultrasound medical device. Regardless of technological sophistication and maturity, frugal innovations are perfectly suitable in a low resource setting where solutions need to be affordable, with substantial...

Studenter prisade av Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan

På den årliga stipendieutdelningen från Sparbanksstiftelsen Kronan (i år online pga pandemin) fick fyra examensarbeten från BTH Maskinteknik priser. Vi gratulerar pristagarna! Mer information For more information: Product Development Research Lab Director, Professor Tobias C. Larsson,, +46(0)455-385525

Design of Product–Service Systems: Toward an Updated Discourse

Abstract The engineering rationale, composed of established logic for the design and development of products, has been confronted by a shift to a circular economy. Digitalization (e.g., Industry 4.0) enables transformation, but it also increases relational complexities in scope and number. In Product–Service Systems (PSSs), the combination of manufactured goods and services should be delivered in new business models based...

BTH PDRL at the DESIGN’20 online conference

The pandemic situation put an effective hold on the physical venue in Dubrovnik where the 16th International DESIGN conference was planned before the summer. Now the biannual DESIGN event organised by the Design Society were forced into an online version instead. Being a main forum to exchange experiences and lessons learned about engineering design from a variety of perspectives, disciplines,...

Newsletter: Student project attracting global attention | 2020:10

The continuous collaboration with Stanford on the global innovation course ME310 (sponsored by Volvo Group) has rendered global recognition! The ReGlove project is featured as one of 20 global finalists in The James Dyson Awards!  The winner is to be selected in November. Read newsletter

Tillämpad simulering och internet of things för minskat svinn vid plåtpressning

Tillsammans med Volvo Cars (Olofström), Telenor Connexion och Blue Science Part som koordinator har ett forsknings- och tillämpningsprojekt utförts inom “Test-arena Blekinge” med syfte att omvandla teori till praktisk tillämpbar kunskap inom Industri 4.0. Den industriella digitaliseringen har pågått sedan 90-talet och med senaste decenniets utveckling av “sakernas Internet” eller Internet of Things så öppnar sig fler möjligheter till att...

Research based startup: GreenCharge

GreenCharge Infra ( och Greencharge ( har sina rötter i projektet GreenCharge II – en regional grön tillväxtmotor för omställningen till fossilfria transporter. Projektet var en regional kraftsamling mellan kommuner, regioner, landsting, länsstyrelser, akademi och näringsliv som pågick till och med 2018-12-31. Projektets medlemmar – kommuner, landsting, regioner och företag – visar vägen i omställningen genom att vara fossilfria senast...