
PSS innovation – Discussing knowledge based tools

PSS innovation – Discussing knowledge based tools

Research paper published in Proceedings of 2nd CIRP IPS2 Conference 2010 – Industrial product-service systems (IPS²). Abstract Product-Service systems (PSS) introduce the alternative for manufacturing firms to address sustainability in early development. In aeronautic industry, sustainability is an issue that challenges the innovation capabilities. The question if engineering tools and software are apt to manage innovation aspects guides the study...

CIRP IPS2 conference in Linköping

CIRP IPS2 conference in Linköping

The international CIRP conference on Integrated Product Service Systems (IPS2) was held in Linköping April 13-17. With some 80 papers and 120 attendees from all over the world it was a key event for the research in product/service systems. The division contributed with 5 scientific papers. The CIRP IPS2 conference introduced a new format for the presentations. There were 5-6...

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

LTU bidrar till effektivisering av europeisk flygindustri

Den europeiska flygindustrin står inför sin största utmaning någonsin, då nya och hittills oprövade teknologier för ett miljövänligare flyg ska tas fram på ett avsevärt tids- och kostnadseffektivare sätt trots att flygplanens komplexitet ökar radikalt år från år. För att möta denna utmaning deltar Avdelningen för Funktionella produkter vid Luleå tekniska universitet i ett europeiskt forskningsprojekt med totalt 59 partners...

Engineering 2.0 – Exploring Lightweight Technologies for the Virtual Enterprise

Research paper published in the book “From CSCW to Web 2.0 : European Developments in Collaborative Design”. Abstract In a traditional business partnership, the partner companies are under contractual obligation to share data, information, and knowledge through one or several information systems that the leading firm decides. In such a case, the issue of sharing “whatever needs to be shared”...

NRA Flyg 2010

NRA Flyg 2010

Professor Tobias Larsson has been a member of the core team behind the recently released national research agenda in aeronautics, “NRA Flyg 2010”, which includes concrete targets for 2020 and 2040 as well as prioritized research areas in aeronautical engineering – both nationally and internationally. NRA Flyg 2010 is the result of a unique collaboration where companies, academia and institutes...

CRESCENDO Value Engineering Workshop in Luleå

CRESCENDO Value Engineering Workshop in Luleå

On February 2nd-4th the Division of Functional Product Development hosted the third EU FP7 CRESCENDO WP2.2 physical meeting.  Marco Bertoni, Tobias Larsson and Christian Johansson have welcomed in Luleå representatives from Volvo Aero, Rolls-Royce UK, EADS, University of Southampton, INSIA Toulouse and Pyramis. The meeting had the purpose to clarify current approaches for requirement establishment in the aircraft industry and...

Center for Tele Medicine | 2010-2013

Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine EU Regional Funds 2010-2013 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the County Council of Blekinge but also...

Holographic Product Verification – HOLOPRO

2010-01: The divisions of Functional Product Development, Experimental Mechanics, and Mathemathics have gotten hypothesis testing from VINNOVA. SUMMARY The hypothesis in this project is that it is possible to perform a quantitative evaluation of predefined attributes for a physical product in a manufacturing process in less than one second. Today essentially all product attributes are controlled off-line which limits the...

Congratulations Mikael, PhD!

Congratulations Mikael, PhD!

Today, Mikael Nybacka, Division of Functional Product Development, presented and defended his Ph.D. thesis “Exploring technologies for service provision in automotive winter testing”. Opponent was Professor Jochen Pohl, Linköping University, and the grading committee consisted of Dr. Anders Claesson, Saab Automobile, Professor Emeritus Jan-Gunnar Persson, KTH, and Professor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Luleå University of Technology.  Mikael has in his research studied...

Congratulations Christian, PhD!

Congratulations Christian, PhD!

On Dec. 18th, Christian Johansson, Division of Functional Product Development, presented and defended his Ph.D. thesis “Knowledge Maturity as Decision Support in Stage-Gate Product Development: a Case from the Aerospace Industry”. Opponent was Dave Randall, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the grading committee consisted of Docent Sofia Ritzén, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Professor Johan Ölvander, Linköpings Universitet and Professor Anita Mirijamdotter, Växjö...