
Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology | 2009-2013

Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation – FFI Energy and environment PROJECT SUMMARY The need to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels is a major factor influencing governments and industry and decisions being made for future investments. In this vein, Volvo Construction Equipment AB has identified a new transmission technology which has been shown to offer a substantial saving in fuel consumption....

SAAB Technology Transfer | 2009-2012

Project summary The project goal is to identify needs for new/complementary methods and tools to enhance the possibilities for evaluation of new, groundbreaking, technologies in the early development phases of vehicle platform development. Project information Project Leader: Tobias Larsson Type: Research Application area: Vehicle Time frame: 2009-2012 Funding: 12 MSEK (6 MSEK VINNOVA Vehicle Development FFI) Research unit: Luleå University...

FFI Robust Machining | 2009-2012

VINNOVA Vehicle Development FFI 2009-2012 (ongoing) PROJECT SUMMARY New environmentally friendly, and safer, vehicles require lighter and stronger materials, something that requires developments in production technologies and processes. New ideas for knowledge automation and reuse enables better usage of machine data during the production process. The new concepts and methodologies will be developed and tested in industrial case studies PROJECT...

METOPIA – METhodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automatization | 2009-2011

National Aviation Engineering Research Programme Project: PROJECT SUMMARY This project, Mechanical whole engine conceptual design and analysis:  A MEthodology for OPtimization, Integration and Automation, is a continuation of the pilot study project NFFP4202 – Mechanical whole engine modelling where a platform, together with a pilot that demonstrated the capability of the platform in an industrial scenario, was developed. This continuation...

Digital Integrated Manufacturing | 2009-2011

DIM – Digital Integrated Manufacturing INTERREG IV:A:NORD 2009-2011 (finalized) PROJECT SUMMARY Benefits of new technology are not just for bigger enterprises! Is Your company productive and competitive? Even in the future competition?Against new actors and technology? Or might there be things You could do more efficient with new tools! What? How? How to find out? These type of questions are...

New project; Global Team Based Innovation with Volvo CE!

2009-09: Last Friday, Mattias Bergström and Tobias Larsson had an inspiring meeting together with representatives from Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE), Eskilstuna. This meeting was the starting point of a new research project between LTU and VCE. The aim of the project is to study and map Global Team Innovation at VCE for the purpose of creating a structured innovation process...

People, Product and Process Perspectives on Product/Service-System Development

Book chapter published in “Introduction to Product/Service-System Design”. Abstract The adaptation of Product/Service-System calls for new development models. On one side this businesses give the manufacturing firm possibilities to redesign, upgrade and replace the discrete device that provides the performance their customers are asking for. On the other side, this new situation has to address aspects that are normally not...

ICED’09: Design has never been this cool

2009-09: Nine members of the Division of Functional Product Development staff participated in the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED’09), which was held at Stanford University, CA, between August 24-27 2009. Four professors at ICED’09 – from left: Tobias Larsson (LTU, Sweden), Amaresh Chakrabarti (IISC, India), Larry Leifer (Stanford, USA), Göran Broman (BTH, Sweden). In total, the division contributed...

Challenges for Experience Feedback in Engineering Design

Challenges for Experience Feedback in Engineering Design

Research paper published in Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Abstract In this paper empirical finding from a study conducted at an aerospace company is compared to theory regarding Experience Feedback (EF), Lessons Learned (LL) and Decision Making (DM). The purpose with the study was to examine how EF...

New project; methodology for energy efficient transmissions

2009-09: Divison of Functional Product Development in collaboration with Volvo Construction Equipment, Volvo Powertrain and Linköping University of Technology have been granted the project “Fuel Efficient Transmission Technology Concepts: Design Methodology” within the VINNOVA program “Fordonsstrategisk Forskning och Innovation” (FFI). The project budget is 18 MSEK 2009-2012 and aims at improving the process from concept to detailed solution, with extra...