
Vårdcentralerna ska erbjuda specialistvård

Vårdcentralerna ska erbjuda specialistvård

Artikel om “Vårdcentralerna ska erbjuda specialistvård”, Blekinge Läns Tidning 20130611, från PrimCareIT’s seminarie om tele-medicin. Mer läsning: Telekonsultation – en möjlighet:

“Vi kan fiska energi och jobb ur havet”

DEBATT. De länder som vågar satsa på framtidens havsbaserade energi kan skörda de kvalificerade arbetstillfällena och lägga grunden till en grön exportindustri. Vi har listan på vad som krävs, skriver företrädare för branschen.

Collaboration as Enabler for Light Weight Vehicles – SåNätt | 2011-2013

Collaboration as Enabler for Light Weight Vehicles – SåNätt VINNOVA FFI programme 2011-2013 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY Increase supply chain collaboration to create new products and services that increase competitiveness. Enable organisations to efficiently integrate research in innovation, technology (with focus on light structures) into development of new solutions within automotive supply chain. PROJECT INFORMATION Role: Applicant, project worker Keywords: Product-service systems,...

Center for Tele Medicine | 2010-2013

Center for Tele Medicine – Sustainable Products and Services within E-health and Tele Medicine EU Regional Funds 2010-2013 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the County Council of Blekinge but also...

The 110 MSEK research profile revving up

The 110 MSEK research profile revving up

April 16 the KK Foundation research profile “Model Driven Development and Decision Support” had its kick-off at BTH. All research partners took part and around this several press items were released too. “Jättesatsning på forskning till länet“. Radio P4 Blekinge “110 milj/kr till industriforskning på BTH“. TV4. “Startskott för ny innovativ forskningsmiljö“. BTH news. “Startskott för ny innovativ forskningsmiljö“. BTH press....

Model Driven Development and Decision Support | 2013-

This project will in co-production mode develop, disseminate, and integrate relevant, user-friendly and efficient support methods and tools for sustainable product-service system innovation into business leaders’, business developers’ and product developers’ working environments that enable and inspire industry to thrive in the changing global context. Manufacturing companies have traditionally focused their design and development activities on realizing the technical and...

FI-STAR – Future Internet Social and Technological Alignment Research | 2013-2015

Objective FI-STAR will establish early trials in the Health Care domain building on Future Internet (FI) technology leveraging on the outcomes of FI-PPP Phase 1. It will become self-sufficient after the end of the project and will continue on a sustainable business model by several partners. In order to meet the requirements of a global Health industry FI-STAR will use...

Kids as innovators

Kids as innovators

In a directed effort towards younger kids to get them interested in technology and innovation, Tobias Larsson hosted a class of 10 year olds during a day of creativity and innovation. By using a concept; “Innovation toolbox for kids” he hosted the team of 30 through drills that improve efficiency (Lean), problemsolving (building bridge using glue, tape, and wooden sticks),...

Innovation and development within health approved

Innovation and development within health approved

Region Blekinge, County Council of Blekinge and BTH are starting a new project with the focus to create a cluster for innovation and development within the health sector. BTH will coordinated the project that is hosted at BTH. The project has been developed by Tobias Larsson and Mats Löfdahl in close collaboration with the upcoming cluster partners. More information: Region...