
PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web and Newsletter #1

PrimCareIT web site is now up and running and will contain info on the project progress, and the first Newsletter is also out. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at School of Engineering, BTH.

Knowledge seminar on research and innovation at Blekinge Health Arena

Knowledge seminar on research and innovation at Blekinge Health Arena

BTH and Blekinge Health Arena on May 31 held a knowledge seminar in the test lab at Arena Rosenholm. The focus was on innovation, entrepreneurship and business connected to Blekinge Health Arena focus. The seminar setup contained academic research lectures tightly coupled with business aspects in order to tell the story of how collaboration in research and business could lead...

MSPI final thesis presentations, class of 2012

MSPI final thesis presentations, class of 2012

Check out how the MSPIs have explored sustainability, product-service systems and innovation through 9 great master’s thesis projects! May 29, and May 30, 2012, the students in the Masters program me in Sustainable Product-Service System Innovation, MSPI ( had their final presentations of their theses. The event was live casted in order to raise the possible attendance. Here you find...

Innovation Engineering seminar at Volvo Construction Equipment

Innovation Engineering seminar at Volvo Construction Equipment

Professor Tobias Larsson was invited to Volvo CE in Eskilstuna give a seminar on innovation engineering and the role in innovative product development. Participants were from the advanced engineering and other engineering related functions and involved several representatives from international functions of Volvo CE. Professor Tobias C. Larsson is chaired professor in Product Development at School of Engineering, BTH.

Towards Value Driven Simulation of Product-Service Systems – A Conceptual Scenario

Research paper published in Proceedings of the 12th International Design Conference – Design 2012. Abstract The paper discussed potentials and existing challenges of considering Value when designing a Product-Service System offering. The main problem has been identified on having new methods and tools that can help designers to consider every design option from a value perspective (possibly based on a...

CRESCENDO | 2009-2012

CRESCENDO – Collaborative and Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation EU FP7 Integrated Project 2009-2012 (completed) PROJECT SUMMARY The IMG4 project CRESCENDO addresses the Vision 2020 objectives for the aeronautical industry by contributing significantly to the fulfilment of three specific targets of the aeronautical industry’s Strategic Research Agenda. CRESCENDO will develop the foundations for the Behavioural Digital...

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

PrimCareIT kick-off in Seinäjoki

February 6-8, PrimCareIT project held a kickoff to get the project started. The kickoff took place in Seinäjoki in Finland. A beautiful place in this cold winter, when sun is shining and air is dry and crisp. With a start at Mediwest we carried out strategic planning in the project board, went through the objectives and goals of the project...