
Data Mining through Early Experience Prototyping: A step towards Data Driven Product Service System Design

ABSTRACT The construction industry is ripe for disruption through innovative solutions that provide added productivity. Equipment manufacturers are attempting to disrupt their industry with investments in autonomy, electrification and product-service system business models. Designing solutions that will operate in completely new systems or modify an existing complex system require new approaches to address the uncertainty of system impacts. An iterative...

Design and Frugal Innovations: Three roles of resource-poor people

ABSTRACT Design is imperative to satisfy needs of people in resource-limited societies. Many design studies have been carried out in the context of such societies in developing countries, and are discussed under names such as humanitarian engineering, frugal innovations, appropriate technology, design at the Base of the Pyramid, design for development, etc. In this paper, we review a wide range...

A model-driven decision arena: Augmenting decision making in early design

ABSTRACT A wide variety of expert competencies, transcending traditional disciplines, are needed to foresee and evaluate the impact of decisions in the conceptual phase of engineering design. Where this previously was a trade-off regarding design and development of the pure physical artefact it is now a complex ambiguity game involving all disciplines touching a solution during its lifecycle, due to...

Stort företagsengagemang i Techtanks nya styrelse

På Techtank Member Day den 23 mars i år valdes den nya styrelsen för klusterinitiativet Techtank och ersätter därmed det tidigare strategirådet. Precis som i rådet finns i styrelsen fortsatt representation från industri, akademi och samhälle. Företagsrepresentanterna utgör majoritet i styrelsen och har valts av medlemsföretagen för att ytterligare stärka deras engagemang och intresse i den fortsatta utvecklingen av Techtank.

Samverkan “in real life” mellan BTH och medlemsföretag i Techtank

I mitten av mars besökte lärare och forskare från BTH, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, två av Techtanks medlemsföretag i Olofström – EBP och Wugang Tailored Blanks. Syftet med besöken var bland annat att fördjupa kontakterna mellan högskolan och näringslivet genom att öka kompetensen om varandra och hitta samarbetsmöjligheter såsom exjobb och studentprojekt. Både företagen och högskolan uppskattade dagen mycket och kommer...

EVOKE – Early Value-Oriented Design Concept Evaluation

Value creation is the end-game solution of product and service design. Yet, ‘value’ is difficult to measure, because it goes beyond manufacturing and usage cost to include a lot of subjective, intangible and tacit concepts. EVOKE is a method to keep focus on value generation throughout the design process, since its earliest phases. The EVOKE toolbox aims at supporting the...

National PhD course in product development modeling and simulation

During two days some 25 people gathered at BTH campus and Product Development Research Lab to take part in session #2 of the National PhD course “Modeling Simulation and Optimization in the Engineering Product Development Process“.The course is given in collaboration between BTH, Chalmers, Linköping University and partner organisations Product Development Academy in Sweden and Swedish Production Academy via Produktion2030 educational programme, and...